Angela Hassall
Angela Hassall Starseed Sound Healing Journey
Most of our instruments are tuned specifically to ancient Solfeggio frequencies specifically to resonate with the vibrations of the heavens, the earth and all that is.stimulating the vagus nerve the main cranial nerve connecting to all our organs .We use 432Hz connected to the Fibonacci spiral, the heavens nature and the vibration within us all. 528Hz connected to our DNA along with 2 strands of our DNA associated connected to our soul.Angela also uses her voice to help us connect to our Kundalini, to find our hearts sound, awakening our Kundalini which has rested at the bottom of our spine since our arrival, since our birth. The human voice being the very powerful healer the Persians used to sing, tone and to resonate with their patients.Within our ceremonies we utilize a range of instruments and combinations to resonate and vibrate with all those present – resonating with their own vibrations.Instruments At This Awesome Sound Healing SessionHand held gong – 433Hz
Venus gong – 110Hz connected to the heart
Planetary gong – 107Hz – heartbeat of the Earth
Crystal bowls tuned to 432Hz & 528Hz
Tibetan bowl – 528Hz
WAWA – 528Hz
Tibetan crystalline bells
Temple drum – 432Hz
Shruti – 532Hz
Tuning fork – master tuning fork at 111Hz breaking old habits and addiction
Shamanic drum – reindeer skin on an oak rime, tied to a rock from the Earth
Chime bar
Tibetan Wind chimes
Malaysian hand held gongs
Shamanic rattle